
December 15, 2023

Dear Families,

What a fantastic week we’ve had leading up to Spring Break! From leprechaun fun and festive surprises to Spirit Week and spring pictures, it’s been filled with excitement and joy. Our students had a blast as they worked together to find all the Super Sprouts during the building-wide scavenger hunt which concluded Wednesday with a lively hallway KidzBop Shuffle celebration!

As a friendly reminder, today marks the last day before Spring Break. We hope everyone enjoys a restful and fun break, and we look forward to welcoming our students back on Wednesday, April 2nd.

Wishing you all a wonderful Spring Break!

Jenny Clark & Laura Kopstain

Additionally, please note the following important dates:
  • March 22-Tuesday, April 1 – Spring Break
    Wednesday, April 2 – Return from Spring Break
    Monday, April 7 – ELC Spring Fest  
    Friday, April 18 – No School (Student and Staff Nonattendance Day)
    Friday, May 16 – Non Attendance Day for ELC Students (Young Athlete’s Culminating Event – details below)

School News:

ELC Club Suggestions
As we begin to plan ahead to next school year, we would love to get your feedback regarding the family clubs we offer at the ELC. Please take a minute to complete the ELC Club Feedback Form. This form is open to any parent whether you have participated in our club offerings in the past or not. We value your thoughts!

Parent 5 Essentials Survey
Once again we are reaching out to our families and asking you to participate in the annual Illinois 5Essentials Survey to provide us with your perspective and help guide our school improvement efforts. The parent survey will be available online through March 31st, at  When entering our school name please search for: The District 54 Early Learning Center (520 E Schaumburg Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60194)

ELC Spring Fest!
We hope your family can join us for our Spring Fest on Monday, April 7th from 4:30-6:00 at the ELC main parking lot. This is a free family event with some optional activities at an additional cost. We will have activities, music, games, and more!

Young Athletes!

You may have turned in a Young Athletes Registration Form already, but if you have not please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher. All ELC students and their parents who have completed the Young Athlete’s Registration Form will receive an invitation through Parent Square with information about how to sign up for the Young Athlete’s Culminating Event. The Culminating Event will take place on Friday, May 16th. There will be no school for ELC students on Friday, May 16th. If registered and signed up for the May 16th event, a parent will be responsible for bringing and staying with their student for the duration of the event at the Schaumburg Park District Sports Center. If you have turned in a Young Athlete’s Registration form, sign up for the Culminating Event will open on 4/2.


Upcoming Parent Workshops
We want to share some upcoming parent workshops. We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities.


ELC Kindergarten bound Students & Families

If your child will be 5 on or before September 1, 2025 they will be going to kindergarten for the 25-26 school year. If your child is going to kindergarten next school year (and is currently enrolled at the ELC) please read the ELC Kindergarten Registration letter. If your kinderbound student did not recieve an Open Enrollment schools letter, a kindergarten t-shirt, and a ticket to the District 54 Kindergarten Carnival please let us know. As the letter mentions, there is no need to register your ELC child for kindergarten until “Returning Student” registration in March. 

A Message from Nurse Lisa:

We ask that you keep your child home if they have any of the following:

  • Vomiting or a fever (100°F or greater). They will be sent home, and parents should keep them home for at least 24 hours after vomiting stops or they are fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen).
  • Diarrhea. Keep your child home until they are symptom-free for 24 hours and able to tolerate solid foods.
  • A frequent cough, continuous nasal drainage, or any difficulty breathing.
  • A rash that is spreading. Please have a doctor evaluate the rash before sending your child to school, and provide a medical clearance note.
  • Any symptoms that interfere with their ability to learn (e.g., fatigue, discomfort, or pain).

Keeping a sick child at home helps minimize the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this school year as healthy as possible.

Please reach out to the Nurse Lisa at 847-230-1741 with any questions.

Door #5 Parent Pick-Up and Drop Off Procedures
As we strive to ensure a safe environment for all of our Sprouts and their families, we want to remind everyone that safety during pick-up and drop-off times is crucial. Please be mindful of traffic patterns and follow all posted signs and guidelines. 

For the safety of all, please ensure that you park in a designated parking spot and assist your child to and from the pick up and drop off areas. Once your child is with a staff member we ask that you please return to your car so we can open more parking spaces for waiting families. We ask that you avoid using phones or distractions during this routine. Your cooperation is essential in keeping our school community safe. Our Door 5 procedures can be reviewed here.

New ELC Families


If your child is new to the ELC, we want to extend a warm welcome to your entire family! We are honored to be part of your child’s educational experience and are grateful for the opportunity to partner with you. For important information for families new to the ELC, please check out the “New Families” section of our website. 


Join Our PTA

We encourage you to consider joining our PTA, which plays a vital role in supporting our school community. To learn more about how you can get involved, please visit our PTA website here. Your participation and support help us create a vibrant and engaging environment for all our students.


Parent Drop Off and Pick Up

If you are transporting your child to school each day, please follow the procedures below to ensure everyone’s safety:
  • When you pull into campus, make a left into the parking lot at the first opportunity (follow the signs for “ELC Parent Drop-Off & Pick Up Parking”).
  • Park your car in a parking space in the designated parking lot (see maps here).
  • Your child will line up by color team, and a staff member will bring your child to their classroom. We can assist if you do not know your child’s color team.
Drop Off and Pick Up Times:
  • AM Session: 7:40–7:45 AM
  • PM Session: 11:25–11:30 AM, Wednesday 11:10-11:15 AM
If you arrive after 7:45 AM for our AM session or after 11:30 AM for our PM session, please head to the second parking lot off Schaumburg Road, park in a parking space, and report to the front office (Door #1) to sign your child in. They will be marked tardy.
At dismissal, please follow the signs shared above, park in a parking space, and stand near the orange cones. Staff will bring your child out to you.
We ask every adult who is picking up a student to always have a valid ID on hand. This is important if your child has a substitute teacher or if you are sending another authorized adult to pick up your child. Only those family members and friends listed in Infinite Campus as emergency contacts will be allowed to pick up your child.

What our Sprouts are Learning

Our Sprouts have started a new unit – it’s all about pets! Our students will learn about different pets, about pet characteristics, where pets live, what pets need, how we can take care of pets, and the role of a veterinarian. 

We have been focusing on our school expectations which include being a Super Sprout! Being a Super Sprout means being safe and kind. Our Sprouts have various versions of how we can be safe and kind while at school. We encourage you to use the below visual to support safe and kind behavior at home.  Check out more about PBIS here

Our 2024-2025 Teachers and Teams: 


2024-2025 District Calendar
The 2024-2025 District Calendar can be viewed here at: 

ELC Kinderbound Students Information 
If your ELC child will be 5 on or before September 1, 2025 they will be going to kindergarten for the 25-26 school year. Please read the ELC Kindergarten Registration letter. As the letter mentions, there is no need to register your ELC child for kindergarten until “Returning Student” registration in March.